Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cold weather is here, but we're still exploring!

Hello Blog world! Wow, this semester is going fast! I cannot believe it is already November! Holiday season is here, and as much as I stay focused on my schoolwork, planning my Black Friday shopping is also here! Everything we are learning in this course, turns out to be so much we can use in the classroom. Although right now, it is an overwhelming amount of information and technologies to learn, I am able to always look back and explore these amazing technologies in the classroom.

Again, since I last posted, we have reviewed so many more technologies! Some on them have technologies inside technologies! They always seem to take us multiple places while explore the massive web.

Working through these technologies have been allowing us to explore all the possibilities and navigate ourselves through them. We discovered and researched many different emerging technologies in one of the Modules. The multiple emerging technologies allowed us to explore even more that teachers are using in the classroom. They are even allowing teachers to expand their classrooms and continue communication with parents and students. We created Wikispaces for the technologies we researched. We were able to edit our own as well as look at other classmates’ wikis. This also allowed us to learn about new emerging technologies.

As we move in to the final weeks of this course, I am excited to look and see all of my projects I have created and place them in an electronic portfolio.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this semester is flying by! Can you believe we are down to our last two modules? I have learned so much in this class about technology and I have gained a better understanding of how to incorporate these tools in the classroom. I totally agree that the Wiki assignment allowed us to explore more on what resources are out right now, which is extremely helpful as future educators.
